On-demand webinar


A large portion of chargemaster activity is focused on medical supplies and pharmaceuticals, due to a variety of factors, such as new products, new contracts and new uses. Ensuring your pharmacy formulary and supply item master files are compliant can be a daunting task. In addition, chargemaster interdependencies with the pharmacy formulary and supply master file can lead to revenue impacts for a hospital, if not reviewed on a recurring basis. Attend this on-demand webinar*, where we outline common compliance issues and best practices for updating a pharmacy formulary and supply master file using Optum Enterprise ChargemasterExpert.com Pharmacy and Supply Modules.

Key takeaways:

  • Identifying common compliance issues among the pharmacy formulary and supply item master file, including ensuring a linkage between CPT®/HCPCS and the formulary and supply item master file
  • Showcasing the interdependent impacts these files have on the chargemaster
  • Best practices for updating a pharmacy formulary and supply item master file

*CEU credits are not available through this webinar.

CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.


Debbie Emery, Facility Online Reference Product Manager, Optum

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